New Master’s Thesis Examination Policy

Massey University is reviewing a new policy for master’s Thesis Exams, designed to ensure fair, transparent, and efficient processes for completing a master’s thesis. The aim of this policy is to help students, supervisors, and examiners achieve success in postgraduate student research, and prevent or resolve dispute matters, should they arise. 

Te Tira Ahu Pae, your Students’ Association, invites all students to our online consultation forum, to open the floor and share your experience in completing your thesis exams, or your thoughts on how you think this policy will impact completing a thesis exam.  

In this forum, we will be covering four main areas of this policy including. 

  1. Appointment of examiners 

  1. Submission of thesis 

  1. Process of the examination 

  1. Determining the final grade 

If you’re keen to join this forum, scan the QR code or see the link to the Zoom meeting & the registration form below. Registrations are now open, and all attendees will be in the draw to win 1 of 4 $50 Prezzy Cards! 


Join Zoom Meeting: 

Meeting ID: 821 8865 4817 

Passcode: 083734 

Registration Form: 


For more information see the resources for this forum <Master's Thesis Examination Policy (Jul 2024)_Commented_Quynh>


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