Treaty Principles Bill 101

The ACT Party’s new Treaty Principles Bill completely neglects the tino rangatiratanga and mana motuhake of Māori as tangata whenua of Aotearoa, transforming Te Tiriti’s intention of a Crown-Māori partnership into a Crown relationship with all New Zealanders. In light of the current government’s kōrero around Te Tiriti, as well as concerns from tauira about Massey’s commitment to Te Tiriti, the Māori cohort of Te Tira Ahu Pae created this downloadable PDF resource to spread awareness and education. We are also running a survey for all students to have their say on how Massey University as a Te Tiriti-led university is upholding their obligations, which you can find here.

Toitū Te Tiriti!   


New Master’s Thesis Examination Policy


‘Stop the Cuts’ Survey